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Baghdad security ramped up after assassination bid
Baghdad tense after deadly election result unrest
Spontaneous Protests in Baghdad Green Zone Shows Cracks in the Security Apparatus (1/2)
U.S. pushes ahead with Iraq troop surge 미국, 이라크에 450명 추가 파병
The Threat of a Wider War in the Middle East
Iraq: Strict Security Measures at the Green Zone of Baghdad
Iraq 10 years on How Baghdad's road checkpoints work
Jocko Podcast 261 w Steve Ward: Learning Does Not Stop. Ever. Life and Leadership
U.S. Military Leaving Iraq: Is the State Department Ready?
Entangled Alliances: The United States, Turkey and Syrian Kurds
IS presence growing in Afghanistan despite 'Mother of All Bombs' | ITV News
The Blackwater Massacre and What Really Happened in Nisour Square